Android :: auto adjust size and position of edittext and button jun 25, 2010 in emulator, size of edittext and button looks nice but in motorola milestones, both of them are so small.. Also notice the change to your textview utilizing gravity instead of layout_gravity to center your content. i am actually surprised this works, from my understanding this should be stretching the height of the views, apparently i was wrong in that thinking.. Background. many times we need to auto-fit the font of the textview to the boundaries given to it. the problem. sadly, even though there are many threads and posts (and suggested solutions) talking about this problem (example here, here and here), none of them actually work well.. that's why, i've decided to test each of them till i find the real deal..
Just add . android:windowsoftinputmode="adjustresize" in your androidmanifest.xml where you declare this particular activity and this will adjust the layout resize option.. Overview. the edittext is the standard text entry widget in android apps. if the user needs to enter text into an app, this is the primary way for them to do that. there are many important properties that can be set to customize the behavior of an edittext.several of these are listed below.. Now, i'd like to adjust the height of the edittext to the length of the string stored in the cell in the database. the contents is always displayed with a height of 40dip in the label that is shown in the grid, but if i want to edit the contents, i'd like to see the whole contents at once by adjusting the height of the edittext..