Facebook Chat Enabler Reborn v1 1 APK FREE DOWNLOAD

Facebook Chat Enabler Reborn apk v1.1, download Facebook Chat Enabler Reborn v1.1 free for android, latest version Facebook Chat Enabler Reborn v1.1, Facebook Chat messenger Reborn v1.1 android, android apk Chat without messenger not root, without installing facebook chat messenger, you know the Facebook Chat famous Re-Activator stopped working when Facebook updated its application for the V28, now after many hours spent finding a solution in the months, I am proud to present this new solution!
Easy to use, just two buttons
Re-Activator Facebook Chat application Facebook to v27
Facebook Chat Application Enabler Facebook Reborn from v28
Bypass mode to allow the user to choose which version to
Support text and little how-to for the user
No required additional permissions:
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE is needed to determine if the device has an Internet connection available
android.permission.INTERNET is required to download and install allow elected or suggested version of Chat Enabler between Re-Activator and Renacer
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is required to write the Chat Enabled package is downloading to memory
Root required.